I am really excited to announce that #referral rewards have been enabled on The Construction Collaborative! Why is this exciting? Well, for one thing, it gives you a way to earn significant discounts on your Premium Membership subscriptions, while at the same time allowing you to invite friends who will also get a discount when they become a Premium Member. More importantly, is that this also gives you a quick and easy way to help build our on-line community.
The success of this community depends on growth and active participation by others in the industry who want to learn, grow, and contribute to improve the construction industry. To that end, I definitely need your help, and it's really easy:
If you are a Member (paid or free), make sure you are logged in
If you are not a Member, create your free account now
Once you are logged in, click here to generate your personal referral code
Copy the code on that page and send it to your friends and colleagues
That's it! When they use your link to visit The Construction Collaborative, they will have the opportunity to sign up for an annual Premium Membership with a 20% discount. Once they sign up, you will earn 200 rewards points. 200 points equals 25% off your annual subscription, so all you need is 4 friends to subscribe, and your next year's Premium Membership is free!
You can also earn points for buying Construction Collaborative merchandise to show off your commitment to improving our industry.
View your point totals any time on your Membership page under My Rewards.

Questions? Ask in the comments.